Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Request to the Oregon Department of Education

As we have not heard anything on the kindergarten issue in a few weeks, I sent this email to Barbara Cruickshank at the Oregon Department of Education:


We were recently forwarded an email that you had sent to Kathy Rodeman at the Corvallis School District.

My wife and I have been discussing kindergarten issues with Corvallis School District 509J since January of this year. The inquiries made to the ODE and DOJ are a direct result of these discussions.

While we appreciate the district including us in on your emails, we would appreciate it if you could copy us in on any decisions or directives issued by the Oregon Department of Justice.

If you have received or sent any such notices in the past two weeks (since August 14), we are not aware of them, and would request that those be forwarded us.

Ronald and Denise Bjarnason